Album: No.1 - No.2 - No.3 -
No.4 -
No.5 - No.6 -
No.7 -
No.8 - No.9 -
No.10 - No.11 - No.12 -
No.13 - No.14
Valhalla Dansk |
Valhalla into the future: Albums no.s 15
- Another one album are yet to come ...
before the Valhalla series
is complete. The final album is expected in 2009.
- Valhalla 15 - The Sibyl's Visions
The last album in the Valhalla series is going to be a story about how the giants kidnap Freya, the seasons come to a halt and the Fimbul Winter covers Asgard - more than this we do not wish to disclose at present.
The story is to be based on various bits and pieces from The Prose (Snorri's) Edda and quite a few of the Sayings. The Sibyl's Visions is expected to be ready for publication in 2009.
© Peter Madsen -
- Translation into English: Ole Lindegaard Henriksen
- www.petermadsen.info |